- Make and appointment with your doctor to verify that you are cleared to participate in running workouts and races. There are free City clnics where this can be done without charge. See Coach Henning about that. Have the doctor sign a copy of the PSAL Medical form.
- Print a copy of the PSAL Concussion Information Sheet and share it with your parents.
- Print a copy of the PSAL Parental Consent form. Be certain that your parent signs their initials after every line - 13 places.
- After you give the coach signed copies of the two forms above, you will be able to attend a pre-season tryout. Students who are not able to run at the required pace will be given several opportunities to do so before the season starts.
- Obtain proper running shoes and clothing, including the team's practice and race uniforms. For the Cross Country team in the fall you will also need a suitable timing wristwatch. The two tops and two shorts cost $70-$80, but the generous support of the PTA means that no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
- Read the Team's Policies and Procedures manual and share it with your parents.
How to stay on the team:
- Remain current with your school work.
- Attend all weekday practices.
- Attend weekend races as listed in the team calendar.
- Follow the directions of the Coach and Team Captains.
- Complete the Team Work requirement for the season, usually 3-5 hours.
- Bring/wear the required equipment and clothing to all practices.
- Communicate with Coach Henning about academic, physical, or other challenges that might affect your ability to perform.
- Get lots of sleep. That's when you get faster!
- Relax, enjoy yourself, and be a good teammate.